Roger deakins 35 mm lense
Roger deakins 35 mm lense

roger deakins 35 mm lense

As you'd expect then, opinions can sometimes be divisive. This means job listings, crowdfunding, equipment sales/rentals, advertisements or other material deemed solicitous. Solicitation of any kind will not be permitted.You many NOT post work simply to get views or subs! Talk about what you did right, what you did wrong, and where you need help. If you are a student or amateur, you must seek feedback on your work. This includes, but is not limited to: what camera/film the project was shot on, techniques used, lights used, difficulties and limitations experienced during production. Original Content (your or a friend's work) must be accompanied by no less than a 300 character description of the project submitted as a comment to your own post. Other BE SURE TO READ OUR FAQ! Check out our FAQ post for information on common terms and concepts, recommendations for cameras, lenses, and lighting kits, along with info on common cinematography myths! RULES 1: Posting your own work? Make a Submissions Statement! Through the use of lighting, composition, equipment choice, and a variety of other factors, a cinematographer is able to tell or enhance a given story. "Cinematography" pertains to the art and technology of motion-picture photography.

roger deakins 35 mm lense


Roger deakins 35 mm lense